New Mercer site offers advice on key HR issues

A website launched yesterday by Mercer is focused on helping organizations understand and address key HR issues.

The Inside Employers’ Minds site offers educational resources in three topic areas:
• Taking pension risk off the table – Better managing risks related to growing pension liabilities and the potential impact on corporate financial performance;
• Making smart benefits choices – Enabling employees to make better choices as they take greater accountability for retirement and health benefits decisions; and
• Building high-impact talent – Finding new ways to build agile, world-class workforces that are ready and able to respond to evolving business needs and new opportunities.

“The implications of these issues are immense for organizations in both emerging and mature markets, especially in a global economy that remains complex, diverse and somewhat volatile,” said Julio Portalatin, president and CEO of Mercer. “Those that get it right will be in a position to excel. Those that get it wrong will find their financial performance and competitive position at greater risk.”

Portalatin says the information on the website should help employers better engage their workforce. This lack of engagement was reflected in Mercer’s 2011 What’s Working survey of nearly 30,000 workers worldwide. The research showed that in 17 markets across all global regions, between one-quarter and one-half of employees are seriously considering leaving their organizations. Just over one in three (36%) Canadian workers are seriously considering leaving their organization, according to the survey results, up from 26% in 2006.

Throughout 2012, the Inside Employers’ Minds site will feature video interviews with thought leaders at Mercer and elsewhere, including the following:
• Paul Krugman, Nobel laureate and professor of economics and international affairs at Princeton University; and
• David Blake, global pensions expert, professor of pension economics at Cass Business School, City University in London, and director of the Pensions Institute.

The site will also offer research papers from leaders at Mercer, as well as tips and advice on how employers can make needed improvements in their workplace.

Visit the site here.