Be aware of mental illness in the workplace

It’s Catch-22: Depression and other mental health issues can seriously impact the workplace, and the workplace can have a serious impact on an employee’s mental health.

October is Healthy Workplace Month and this week is Mental Illness Awareness Week. Refer to our compilation of resources to bring awareness and provide education to the issue of mental health, its impact on business and the employer’s role.

Link mental health to your business strategy
Most organizations will see mental disorders as one of the top two categories on their drug utilization reports, and those conditions tend to be trending upwards…more.

Take an integrated approach to workplace mental health
Employee mental health is a growing challenge for employers, and it’s recognized as the No. 1 cause of lost productivity in the workplace…more.

Mental health at work: revisited
Depression and anxiety tend to affect people during their prime working years…more.

Mental matters
A person’s place of work has a notable influence on his or her mental health. As more and more employers are being held legally responsible for the mental health of their employees…more.

Depression in the workplace
An online resource from the Canadian Mental Health Association.