Financial confidence low for short-term results

Only 25% of Canadians feel they will be better off financially a year from now. Conversely, only 13% feel they will be worse off.

This is the newest data from the Q1 Investors Group-Harris Decima consumer index report.

In the last quarter of 2012, this split was 24% and 12%, respectively.

Canadians are even less optimistic about the Canadian economy, with just 13% believing the next year will be good financially for our country. Twenty percent said they expect bad times over the next 12 months. This sentiment is unchanged since the November survey.

However, 43% believe that Canada will have continuous periods of good times over the next five years.

Overall, the consumer confidence index stands at 77.6 in Canada, a slight increase from 75.3 in March of 2012 but a small dip from 79.0 in November of 2012.