Healthy Outcomes Conference 2024

Healthy Outcomes Conference

Oct. 18, 2024  | Omni King Edward Hotel, Toronto

Thursday, Oct. 17, 2024

6:00 – 9:00 PM:

Optional opening dinner (HOTHOUSE Restaurant, 35 Church St.)

Friday, Oct. 18, 2024

8:00 – 9:00 AM:

Breakfast (Crystal Ballroom Foyer)

9:00 – 9:45 AM:

How collaboration is replacing competition in wellness programs (Crystal Ballroom)

Drawing upon the latest research and global case studies, this presentation will illuminate the importance of cultivating a supportive, psychologically safe and collaborative environment in the workplace, highlighting the role of community and detailing practical strategies for nurturing meaningful connections.


Dr. Lisa Bélanger, behavioural change expert and researcher

9:45 – 10:15 AM:

The future of benefits for the future of workplaces

Statistics Canada data shows that by 2031, millennials and generation Z will make up more than 66 per cent of the workforce. Amid this major shift in demographics, group benefits plans will also need to evolve. This session will explore innovative approaches to modernizing benefits plans to meet the changing workforce, focusing on prevention of illnesses, benefits plan flexibility and personalization.


Shelley Sjoberg, assistant vice-president of group product development and support, Canada Life

10:15 – 10:45 AM: 

Networking break (Crystal Ballroom Foyer)

10:45 – 11:15 AM:

How employers can maintain their medication costs while still taking care of their employees

A fine balance is needed for employers to ensure they can provide optimal support to help employees find improvement in their overall wellness, while, at the same time, managing health-care expenditures within their benefits plans. This session will explore strategies employers can draw on to help them cope with the rising costs of health care, identify cost-saving opportunities and leverage flexibility to make their health-care programs have value-add and generate maximal positive impact on employees’ health and well-being.


Martin Gascon, senior director, group benefits, Eckler

This session has been made possible by Novo Nordisk Canada.

11:15 AM – 11:45 PM:

Pushing the boundaries of preventive health

More than half (55 per cent) of Canadian workers say their employer-funded health-care benefits don’t fully meet their needs, according to Telus Health’s mental-health index. Amid a need for new benefits options that support employee health and well-being while attracting and retaining talent, this session will explore how innovations in preventive medicine are changing the landscape of employer benefits in Canada using examples such as genetics, full-body MRI, digital twins and blood-based cancer screening.


Suzanne Trusdale, vice-president of sales, Telus Health Care Centres

11:45 AM – 12:15 PM:

The invisible costs of migraine 

Untreated disease may be a leading cause of presenteeism and absenteeism in the workplace. Using migraine as an example, this session will explore the challenges, myths and facts related to this condition as well as how employers can support plan members in managing the disease and associated impacts, including its effects on mental health.


Dr. Elizabeth Leroux, faculty lecturer, McGill University

This session has been made possible by Lundbeck.

12:15 – 1:15 PM: 

Lunch (Crystal Ballroom Foyer)

1:15 – 1:45 PM:

Well-being in practice: Enhancing the plan member experience through prevention

This session will discuss how McCarthy Tétrault uncovered its most pressing employee well-being opportunities by combining quantitative and qualitative insights to create a long-term roadmap that aligns with company values, prioritizes people and challenges conventional workplace practices.


Erin Dick, assistant vice-president, well-being services, Aon

Rita Apa, chief human resources officer, McCarthy Tétrault

1:45 – 2:15 PM:

Diabetes connected care: Empowering employee well-being with connected health technologies

Employee populations are ageing and increasingly diverse, with rising rates of diabetes and declining access to in-person care. For many plan members with diabetes, their physical and mental health, productivity, and safety is more dependent than ever on the ability to self-manage all aspects of their condition. This interactive session will explore the latest trends in diabetes care, technology and research, including the role of connected health technologies to engage and empower employees in the adoption of effective self-management behaviors.


Sarah Blunden, senior medical affairs manager, Dexcom Canada

Chris Goguen, lead, access and partnership, Dexcom Canada

2:15 – 2:45 PM: 

Networking break (Crystal Ballroom Foyer)

2:45 – 3:15 PM:

Transform your health strategy: An employer’s blueprint for tackling Canada's workforce health crisis 

This session will outline why Canadian employees are dealing with unprecedented health issues and provide an evidence-based blueprint to address the root causes that continue to propagate these challenges. With examples from clinical insights, longevity science, primary care solutions and medical innovations for early disease detection, attendees will receive actionable guidance to optimize employee health and organizational success.


Dr. Peter Nord, chief medical officer, Medcan

3:15 – 3:45 PM:

Panel: Optimizing well-being benefits to deliver comprehensive, equitable coverage for employees

As the workforce evolves alongside the changing workplace, candidates are increasingly seeking out employers that can support their overall health and well-being. This panel will explore how employers can 'stretch their wellness muscles' to deliver a comprehensive yet personalized benefits package that meets the needs of employees.


Jaye Calder, manager, pension, benefits and wellness, PepsiCo Canada

Rolando Lopez, vice-president of talent acquisition and HR business services, Workplace Safety and Insurance Board

One more panellist to be confirmed.

3:45 – 4:30 PM:

2024 Workplace Benefits Awards presentation and closing cocktail reception (Crystal Ballroom)


Please email Francesca Allman about availability


Please email Jada Lowe