The real estate investment arm of the Alberta Investment Management Corp. has completed the sale of $900 million in green bond offerings.

The Series 6 and Series 7 unsecured notes, each valued at $450 million, are AIMCo Realty’s second and third green bond issuances under its green financing framework, according to a press release, which noted the investment organization intends to allocate the net proceeds of the offering to fund the financing and/or refinancing of eligible green projects.

Read: AIMCo returns 6.9% in 2023, driven by equities, fixed income

“We are pleased with the depth of interest from investors for our green bond issuance,” said Paul Mouchakkaa, the AIMCo’s executive managing director and global head of real estate, in the release. “The proceeds will enable us to further our objective of delivering strong, risk-adjusted returns with durable inflation protection and deliver high-quality sustainable real estate developments that are positioned to perform well in the future.”

In other news, the venture capital arm of the Ontario Teachers’ Pension Plan is among a group of investors contributing $300 million to Germany-based artificial intelligence firm DeepL.

The investment will go towards supporting the company’s ongoing global expansion and development of its language AI platform, according to a press release.

Read: Ontario Teachers’ renames venture capital arm, unveils growth plan