Federal government launches plan to help caregivers

The federal government has launched the Canadian Employers for Caregivers Plan (CECP), which aims to help maximize the labour force participation of caregivers and maintain workplace productivity.

The CECP is focused on engaging with employers to identify their best practices and using these findings to support Canadian businesses and help caregivers to enter or stay in the labour force.

The CECP includes the establishment of the Employer Panel for Caregivers, comprising industry leaders from small-, medium- and large-size businesses, as well as expert advisors on caregiving.

They will consult with employers across Canada to help identify successful and promising workplace practices that support caregivers who are balancing their work responsibilities with caring for a loved one, ensuring a stronger workforce and more prosperous economy.

The panel is chaired by Kim Forgues (Home Depot Canada) and includes Lucie Chagnon (Median Solutions), Rachelle Gagnon (Assumption Life Insurance), Sharene Herdman (Johnson & Johnson Inc. Canada), Caterina Sanders (Habanero Consulting Group) and Stephen Shea (Ernst & Young). Expert advisors to the panel are Vickie Cammack (founder, Tyze Personal Networks) and Janice Keefe (Nova Scotia Centre on Aging, Mount Saint Vincent University).

“There are currently 6.1 million employed Canadians who are providing care to a family member or friend,” says Alice Wong, minister of state (seniors). “Our government will work with employers through the Canadian Employers for Caregivers Plan to help identify cost-effective solutions to support employed caregivers, helping them achieve a better balance of work and caring responsibilities.”

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