Growth in active ETFs expected to continue

Actively managed exchange-traded funds (ETFs) have seen significant growth in the number of products offered and assets under management over the past year and continue to gain popularity as an investment vehicle.

A paper from SEI, Active ETFs: Revisited, notes that the active ETF market in the United States has grown by nearly 30 products and more than US$2.5 billion assets under management in the past 12 months.

In addition to this more recent growth, the paper shows this development has been taking shape for the past six years. Since 2008, active ETF assets have comprised 7% of all ETF assets under management in the U.S. Additionally, with more than 50 active ETFs either in registration or, if already approved, waiting to come to market, there is no noticeable slowdown in this expansion.

Despite this growth, which has been accelerated in the past few years by a Securities and Exchange Commission statement allowing active ETFs to utilize derivatives, a number of challenges remain for investment managers when launching these funds.

The paper notes that chief among these is the need for further education and improved marketing of these relatively new products as well as the existence of significant operational obstacles. It points to the fact that even large mutual fund managers have found that current back-office operations are often inadequate for accommodating the newer ETF structure.

“We have been looking at the rise of actively managed ETFs for quite some time and we have every reason to believe that growth will continue,” says John Alshefski, senior vice-president of SEI’s investment manager services division. “While some managers may not currently realize the operational impact of implementing these strategies, as they continue to address these challenges and restrictions continue to loosen, we could be in for an explosion of active ETFs hitting the market in the next few years.”

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