Is shopping allowed at work?

As Black Friday and Cyber Monday approach, Canadian companies are a little more lenient when it comes to letting employees shop online during business hours.

A Robert Half Technology survey finds that 51% of chief information officers (CIOs) say their companies block access to online shopping, down from 56% last year but up from 32% in 2012.

About one in six (16%) allow unrestricted access to shopping, while 30% allow access but monitor activity for excessive use.

“As we head into the hectic holiday season, it’s important to know your company’s stance on online shopping during work hours,” says Deborah Bottineau, senior regional manager of Robert Half Technology. “It’s in no one’s best interest to be flagged as someone who spends a lot of work time on shopping sites.”

The annual survey is based on more than 270 telephone interviews with CIOs from a random sample of Canadian companies.
