Majority of employees not engaged

A majority of American workers weren’t engaged in their jobs last year, finds a Gallup survey.

Fifty-one percent were not engaged, and 17.5% were actively disengaged while just 31.5% were engaged in 2014. Still, that’s an increase from 29.6% in 2013.

Managers and executives are engaged the most. Their levels of engagement rose to 38.4% last year, up from 34.7% in the previous year.

Read: What are the 50 most engaged workplaces?

Employees in manufacturing or production are the least engaged, averaging 23%. Transportation and service workers also had low engagement levels at 25.5% and 28.2%, respectively.

Traditionalists (those born between 1922 and 1945) are the most engaged generation (42.2%), likely because the few who are working do so by choice. Millennials are the least engaged generation (28.9%) because they’re likely not getting the work they wanted after graduation.

Read: How to keep older employees engaged

Gallup’s employee engagement data reveal that millennials are particularly less likely than other generations to say they “have the opportunity to do what they do best” at work.

“This finding,” Gallup says, “suggests that millennials may not be working in jobs that allow them to use their talents and strengths, thus creating disengagement.”

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