OMERS assets top $70-billion mark

OMERS concluded 2014 with net assets of $72 billion, a $7-billion increase over 2013.

The pension fund generated a 10% return for the year (net of investment expenses), exceeding its long-term funding requirement of 6.5% and the prior year return of 6%.

“OMERS investment performance exceeded the returns required to deliver secure and sustainable pensions to our members,” says OMERS president and CEO Michael Latimer. “We continue to build a portfolio of high-quality public and private investments, diversified by asset class sector and geography.”

Read: OMERS reports 6.5% return

Public investments returned 10.7%, helped by strong bond prices, and private investments returned 9.5%.

In 2014, OMERS received $3.7 billion in contributions from plan members and employers and paid out $3.1 billion in benefits.

The plan ended 2014 in a stronger financial position with the funded ratio improving to 90.8% from 88.2%.

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