Many execs don’t know what employees want

Many executives may be undervaluing a perk their workforce wants most, suggests a survey by Accountemps.

When asked which workplace perk they think their employees want most, 41% of chief financial officers (CFOs) interviewed said better benefits, 26% said a more flexible schedule, and 17% said more vacation days.

However, in a separate survey of workers, more vacation days topped the list (35%), a more flexible schedule was next (17%), and better benefits came in third (16%).

Read: Gen Y, Z want benefits

Further, while 2% of CFOs thought their employees wanted more training or professional development, 16% of workers said they wanted more educational opportunities.

The surveys include responses from more than 270 CFOs from a stratified random sample of companies across Canada and more than 425 office workers.

This story originally appeared on our sister site,

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