ArcelorMittal Dofasco, ESIT Advanced Solutions Inc. and Toronto-Dominion Bank are among the companies named as top employers for Canadians over 40.
The 2018 list, part of Canada’s Top 100 Employers project run by Mediacorp Canada Inc., looked at what employers are doing to respond to an aging workforce with more people working later in their careers and funding a longer retirement. It considered a number of programs offered to employees over age 40, including long-term savings plans, health benefits for retirees and support programs such as succession planning and phased working options.
Read: Employers must prepare for retirees’ ‘encore’ careers
Besides helping employees save for retirement, Hamilton, Ont.-based steel company ArcelorMittal Dofasco also offers phased working options, as well as access to a recreation and learning centre once they make the transition. TD Bank considers previous work experience when setting vacation entitlements and offers long-serving employees an additional week of paid vacation on their 25th anniversary. And Victoria, B.C.-based technology outsourcing company ESIT Advanced Solutions offers a defined benefit pension plan and retirement planning sessions.
“Top employers value the experience and deep knowledge of individuals who have been engaged in the labour market for longer,” said Richard Yerema, managing editor of the Canada’s Top 100 Employers project, in a news release. “They recognize the accumulated skills that these employees bring to the job, so they provide long-term support, security and stability.”
Read: 90% of Canadians would pay more for predictable retirement income: survey
The full list of winners includes:
- ArcelorMittal Dofasco
- Canada Revenue Agency
- Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce
- The Desjardins Group
- Enbridge Inc.
- ESIT Advanced Solutions Inc.
- National Energy Board
- TD Bank
- The University of Toronto
- The government of Yukon