Helping Hands
July 01, 2008 | April Scott-Clarke

How employers can get the most from their employee assistance programs.

Employee assistance programs (EAPs), also called employee family assistance programs (EFAPs), are becoming a staple among large and mid-size companies. Even smaller companies are starting to adopt them. The programs, which have evolved from counselling and addiction services to include everything from financial advice to real estate and legal resources, have the potential to make a significant impact on absenteeism, healthcare costs and productivity in the workplace. The problem is, EAPs are not used to their full potential by employers or employees.

“One of the biggest challenges for EAP [providers] and organizations is to discover all [that an EAP] can do for them,” says Karen Seward, senior vice-president of business development and marketing, with Shepell·fgi. “Some people don’t use it to the max. People have 100 priorities, and if something is running along, and nobody is complaining and you’re getting what you need, you don’t spend a lot of time trying to understand how to make it better.”

Paula Cayley, chief executive officer of Interlock EAP (a division of Personal Performance Consultants Worldwide), adds that, in general, “EAPs are underutilized as an organizational tool.”

So, how can you get the most from your EAP?

Choose Wisely

While it’s vital to know which services are provided in your contract, the first step toward an effective EAP is to make sure the provider can meet the needs of your company. Many providers offer similar services, but not all EAPs are created equal. “There are a lot of EAPs out there. Companies need to look for one that is a good fit,” says Linda Hochstetler, president of the Employee Assistance Program Association of Toronto and contact centre manager for Family Services Employee Assistance Programs. She suggests that employers look beyond price and start with a needs assessment of the company. “If you have an EAP that has a nine-to-five model for accessing services and you have people who work nights, it may not work. Match up your needs with their offerings.”

Jacques Hébert, vice-president, with Aon Consulting, agrees with Hochstetler and says that more thought needs to go into the selection process. “My suggestion is that employers apply the same due diligence and go to the market, as they would when they are looking for an insurance provider. Most of the time, if an EAP provider is [affiliated] with the company they are insured by, they will take that provider.”

Set Realistic Expectations

Once you’ve selected an EAP provider, make sure that your organization and the provider are on the same page. How much of an impact do you want the program to have? How much are you willing to invest? What are you expecting from the program? How realistic are these expectations? These questions need to be answered before any provider can set up an effective EAP.

As with anything, when it comes to EAPs, you get what you pay for. And your expectations have to reflect the amount of money being invested in the program. For instance, Cayley says, depression in the workplace is an issue that is top of mind for many employers. “If you’re thinking that a one- to three-session model for the treatment of depression [is enough], you may find yourself falling short.” More sessions means more investment, which goes back to the organization’s expectations and needs.

“Some employers don’t want a high-impact program. They want to have a program in place, but they don’t necessarily want to see it utilized because they are afraid that it will add to their costs at the proactive end,” explains Cayley. “To have a healthy utilization, you have to be committed to putting your investment in health upfront.”

Just as organizations need to make it clear to their providers what they are expecting, EAP providers need to make organizations aware of what they can do for them. “Employers need to know how that EAP envisions helping them, the range of services and the pricing model,” Hochstetler says. “Sometimes there is a miscommunication in terms of what you’re looking for, how it’s delivered and how it works.”

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