The Canadian Auto Workers urged the Ontario Expert Commission on Pensions to take a much broader perspective on the pension system at public hearings today in Toronto.

It asked the commission to recommend that the Ontario government actively pursue talks with the federal government and other provincial governments to seek expansion and improvements in current public plans, such as the Canada Pension Plan and the Quebec Pension Plan.

The CAW also said it was critical that steps are taken to improve protection of retirement income including long overdue upgrades to Ontario’s Pension Benefits Guarantee Fund.(One of PIAC’s eight recommendations to the OECP was that the PBGF be disbanded entirely.)It argues that the $1,000 limit on coverage hasn’t changed in more than 27 years and the financing provisions remain insufficient.

The hearings will continue in Toronto on tomorrow and Friday and Tuesday and Wednesday of next week before moving to Kingston the following week.

For more information regarding the public hearings, click here.

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