Workers in Quebec appear to be more optimistic than their employers about salary increases for the coming year, according to a survey.

The CROP-ORHRI survey finds that Quebec workers expect an average 3.9% increase in 2008. When broken down by gender, this percentage climbs to 4.4% for men, compared to only 3.3% for women.

“Women’s more pessimistic expectations seem closer to reality, says Alain Desgagné,“ chair of the ORHRI board. “These figures show that despite the progress made, there’s still some way to go before men and women achieve parity in the workplace.“

The survey also finds that 13% of respondents don’t expect any change in salary next year while 10% hope for an increase of 10% or more.

When asked what they considered to be the two most important aspects of their job, respondents said the opportunity to achieve professional/personal life balance topped the list at 34%. Pay and the possibility of using their creative potential tied for second place at 30%, followed by autonomy and recognition from their employer at 25% and 21%, respectively.

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Nonetheless, when asked to rank their job expectations on a scale of one to ten, respondents gave salary a rating of 7.9.

“Obviously, salary remains important,” he adds. “But the survey’s findings show that above and beyond compensation, workers are looking for a workplace that will allow them to maintain a healthy balance between their professional and personal lives, use their skills and be recognized by their employer.”

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