The Ontario Expert Commission on Pensions(OECP)has scheduled public hearings in six cities to be held in the fall.

The tentative schedule is as follows:

• October 17-19: Toronto
• October 31: Kingston
• November 1: Ottawa
• November 6: Sudbury
• November 7: Thunder Bay
• November 13: Hamilton
• November 14: London
• November 15: Windsor

For those who would like to participate in the public hearings, they must arrange a time for their appearance and provide a written submission no later than October 15, 2007.

Each participant will be allocated a maximum of 45 minutes. If time is available at the end of any scheduled hearing day, participants who have not provided a written submission or arranged a time for their appearance may be given an opportunity to participate briefly and informally in the hearing.

Also, the OECP would like to receive formal written briefs and submissions at any time prior to October 15. Informal letters or emails are also invited. However, submissions received after November 21, 2007 may not be considered by the commission.

At this morning’s ACPM seminar in Toronto, Robert L. Brown—the OECP’s director of research—said the commission is in the process of assigning 20 research papers, but they will probably not be released until the OECP report is finished in the early summer of 2008.

In March, the commission released a discussion paper. To read that story, click here.

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