An unusual partnership of organizations, including Wal-Mart and two big labour unions, launched a campaign to achieve a new American healthcare system by 2012.

The Better Health Care Together campaign has four key principles: every person must have quality, affordable health insurance coverage; individuals have a responsibility to maintain and protect their health; America must dramatically improve the value it receives for every healthcare dollar; businesses, government and individuals should contribute to managing and financing a new American healthcare system.

“Government alone won’t and can’t solve this crisis,” says Lee Scott, Wal-Mart’s president and CEO. “We have to work together—business, labour, government and our communities.”

The campaign founders pledged to convene a national summit by the end of May and recruit additional business, labour, government and nonprofit leaders.

The founding members include AT&T, the Howard H. Baker Jr. Center for Public Policy, the Center for American Progress, the Committee for Economic Development, the Communications Workers of America, Intel, Kelly Services, the Service Employees International Union, and Wal-Mart.

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