Canadians are divided on actions to gain quicker access to health services already covered under the public medicare system, according to a new poll.

The ninth edition of the Health Care in Canada Survey found that 55% of Canadians are in favour of employers paying the cost of private insurance to cover the full cost of health services. Thirty-eight percent were opposed.

However, the opposite was true when asked whether individuals should pay from their own pocket to cover the full cost of the service. Forty percent were in favour while 58% disagreed.

Canadians are also divided on the value of allowing the purchase of private insurance for health services already covered under medicare. They believe it would:

-create a two-tiered system(63%)
-lead to a shortage of doctors and nurses in the public system(62%)
-result in increasing costs of healthcare(55%)

But they believe there would also be a positive impact:

-result in shorter waiting times(64%)
-improve access to healthcare services for everyone(59%)
-lead to improved quality in healthcare services(55%)

To view all the results, click here.

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