Russell is investing more in risk management.

Bringing together traditional research practices and selection of investment managers who are experienced in investment program management, Russell Investments is expanding its manager due diligence service – Manager Compliance & Operations Review or “Manager CORE”.

Russell claims participating clients will benefit from their knowledge of more than 60 regional regulatory agencies worldwide and insights into the developed, emerging and frontier markets.

“The market has changed, and risk management needs to increasingly be a proactive part of the investment process so institutional investors can make fully informed decisions,” said Dianna Zentner, director of global manager oversight and due diligence.

The Manager CORE process consists of an organizational assessment followed by an on-site visit. After completion of due diligence on a money manager’s internal operational, compliance, business and risk controls, each manager is assigned an overall qualitative risk rating. Russell then issues recommendations for necessary improvements, which are supplemented by ongoing monitoring and reporting.

Manager CORE can serve as a complement to traditional manager research, or as a standalone service.