Canadian employees most productive on Tuesdays: survey

Canadian employees are most productive at the beginning of the week, according to a new survey by Accountemps.

About a third (35 per cent) of respondents said they’re most productive on Tuesdays, followed by Mondays (25 per cent), Wednesdays (18 per cent), Thursdays (12 per cent) and Fridays (10 per cent). As well, 41 per cent of respondents said they’re most productive in the early morning, while 31 per cent cited the late morning. Only three per cent said they’re most productive at night, followed by two per cent who said they work best at lunch time.

Read: Employees divided on productivity, stress of work-space configurations: survey

When it comes to productivity, the survey also found where employees work is as important as when they work. Fewer than half (44 per cent) said they work best in a private office with the door closed, while 33 per cent said they prefer working with co-workers in an open-concept office and 19 per cent said they’re most productive when working from home.

Great leaders recognize the path to productivity looks different for each individual, said Koula Vasilopoulos, district president at Accountemps, in a press release. “Managers should remain flexible and empower employees with the environment, tools and options that best support their preferred, and most effective, work style.”

The survey also asked employees about the distractions affecting their workday productivity. About a third (28 per cent) cited chatty and social co-workers, followed by office noise and useless calls/meetings (23 per cent, each), unnecessary emails (20 per cent) and cell phone use (seven per cent).

Read: Distressed workers lose eight days a month in productivity: research