NB pension task force seeks input

A New Brunswick task force charged with reviewing pension reform wants to hear what you think.

The task force is examining new forms of risk management practices and regulatory structures adopted by other jurisdictions, and assessing whether these concepts can be adapted in New Brunswick. The three-member panel of pension experts includes Paul McCrossan, an actuary, Susan Rowland, a lawyer, and Pierre-Marcel Desjardins, an economics professor.

As part of its review, the task force is seeking suggestions from pension plan members and their organizations, pension plan sponsors and their organizations, as well as professional and business organizations and associations involved with pension plans.

Written submissions are due on September 19, 2011 and can be sent to pension_retraite@gnb.ca.

Additional information is available on the Department of Justice and Consumer Affairs website.

An interim report will be released in the fall of 2011, after which there will be opportunity for additional feedback.

The panel expects to issue a final report in the spring of 2012.

Alberta, British Columbia, Ontario, Nova Scotia and the federal government have similar task forces in place.