Top 100 U.S. public fund assets hit $2.8 trillion

The assets for the U.S.’s 100 largest public sector retirement plans rose 1.3% to US$2.8 trillion in the second quarter of 2011, according to the latest figures from the U.S. Census Bureau. The rise marks the highest level since the second quarter of 2008. Year-to-year, total assets rose 17.6%, or US$414 billion.

Holdings of corporate stocks quarter-to-quarter decreased 1.5% to US$892 billion in Q2, making up just under a third (32.2%) of the total cash and security holdings of major public sector retirement plans for the current quarter. Meanwhile, corporate bonds were up 2% to US$438.5 billion in Q2, making up just under a sixth (15.8%) of the total asset holdings of public sector plans.

International securities increased by 2% to US$522.6 billion in Q2, marking the highest level since the Census Bureau began collecting data on this asset class more than eight years ago. International securities comprised just under a fifth (18.9%) of total asset holdings.

Federal government securities increased 1.5% to US$174.7 billion, making up 6.3% of total asset holdings.

Combined employee and government contributions totalled US$34.2 billion in Q2—an increase of 12.1% from the second quarter of 2010. Employee contributions decreased 3.2%, while government contributions increased 20.9% year-to-year.