Archives April 2018

April 2018

Benefits Canada News

At Benefits Canada’s Defined Contribution Plan Summit in Montreal in February, member engagement and communication were a clear focus of many of the presentations. Case…

At General Electric Co. Canada, part of Dr. Sol Sax’s job as consultant and medical director is to support and refine the company’s disability management process. That process…

When it comes to the difficult issue of equity in pension plans, Quebec has been at the forefront recently with its plan to table a…

How can employers better address conditions, such as migraines, that are among the factors contributing to illness and absenteeism? With rates of illness and disability…

While North American investors have traditionally perceived environmental, social and governance factors as a way of injecting personal philosophy into business practices, Japan’s business community…

The Canadian dollar has had its share of ups and downs over the past year or so. At the beginning of 2017, it sat at…

From governance to engagement, plan sponsors are looking for solutions to improve their defined contribution pension plans. What tools are available to plan sponsors to…