Archives December 2011

December 2011

Health benefits

It can easily be said that Randy McGlynn, CEO of the Ontario Teachers Insurance Plan (OTIP) based in Waterloo, Ont., has a way with people.

Five years ago, Halifax Professional Firefighters took a big step with their benefits plan when they chose to begin actively managing the plan themselves.

Communications professionals often stress the need to relay a message seven times in seven different ways to get a point across.

When Shoppers Drug Mart (SDM) set out to review its benefits program in 2009, it quickly became apparent that the company had a galvanizing opportunity…

With public payers across the country acknowledging the value of pharmacy by expanding scopes of practice and funding more services, there are opportunities for drug…

When they were first introduced in the 1980s, health risk assessments (HRAs) were positioned as an effective tool to educate and drive behavioural change among…

Defined benefit pensions

Until 2007, the Healthcare of Ontario Pension Plan (HOOPP) was a conventional 60/40 equities/bonds DB plan, says John Crocker, president and CEO, and winner of…

Increased longevity poses a real risk to DB plans. Mortality improvement continues to trend upward, and this is particularly pronounced at older retirement ages.


Campbell Company of Canada truly walks the wellness talk, says Veronica Marsden, president of Tri Fit Inc.

With an aging employee base and benefits costs rising, Marine Atlantic Inc. decided to really get serious about workplace wellness back in 2004.

A few years ago, Jennifer Moore, manager of HR and organizational development at Dufferin Child and Family Services (DCFS), noticed a spike in casual and…

When an employee passed away last year from leukemia, Marty Shaw, CEO of DOT Integrated Financial in Toronto, was glad that he had set up…

It seems reasonable to assume that people working in healthcare would be more health-conscious than others. But hectic schedules, long hours and working in a…

Corporate wellness initiatives have moved beyond simply providing discounts to gyms and offering healthy options in the cafeteria.

Capital accumulation plans

After Colleen Falco, director of HR services with Niagara Casinos, assumed responsibility for the company’s benefits initiatives in early 2010, she noticed significant gaps in…

With the erosion of assets in many retirement portfolios in recent years, plan sponsors are starting to wonder if members might never be able to…

Forest City Fire Protection & Security was the recipient of the Communications Award (<1,000 employees) for Benefits Canada’s 2011 Pension & Investment Awards. As a…

In September, more than 100 senior DC plan decision-makers, recordkeepers, academics and money managers gathered at Benefits Canada’s 2011 DC Investment Forum in Toronto to…

In September, more than 100 senior DC plan decision-makers, recordkeepers, academics and money managers gathered at Benefits Canada’s 2011 DC Investment Forum in Toronto to…

DC plan sponsors also need to find innovative ways to communicate investment information as well as new strategies to help members balance risk and reward.

Canada’s CAP suppliers had a pretty good year in 2010. Overall, the Top 10 CAP Providers showed double-digit growth (up 16.1% from 2010), as did…


I go to a lot of industry conferences, so it’s not often that a speaker has me spellbound. But Frank O’Dea, co-founder of Second Cup—who…

Disability management

Wellness programs have become more common in the workplace, and the benefits of having these programs make sense. However, they are not being offered everywhere—and…


When Bill 133, the Family Statute Law Amendment Act, 2009, was introduced in 2008, it promised to reform the division of pensions on marriage breakdown…