Archives December 2013

December 2013


How you—and your employees—can get the most from your employee and family assistance program (EFAP).

Customized employee wellness programs can deliver better results Canadians’ unhealthy lifestyles are costing companies a fortune. According to the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada,…

Capital accumulation plans

Dale Carnegie’s 1936 classic, How to Win Friends and Influence People, might have been written directly for DC plan sponsors. While plan sponsors can’t force…

Over the last few years, a lot of time has been spent enticing employees to become more engaged in retirement planning. While engagement is still…

Defined benefit pensions

It was, literally, a big deal when the Canadian Wheat Board (CWB) off-loaded the risk of its underfunded DB pension plan to Sun Life Financial…

Shortly after the Ontario Teachers’ Pension Plan (Teachers’) sold its majority stake in Maple Leaf Sports and Entertainment (MLSE) to Rogers—owner of Benefits Canada—and BCE,…

Benefits Canada News

Hockey trumps retirement savings, legal briefs, Market Watch and we ask three industry insiders for their insights on what economic developments might affect Canadian institutional…

Over the last few years, a lot of time has been spent enticing employees to become more engaged in retirement planning. While engagement is still…


I have watched someone close to me die of cancer. And it’s not easy. My mother passed away from neuroendocrine cancer almost two years ago,…


In an environment where plan members don’t always understand their retirement arrangements, may be frustrated with market volatility and aren’t adequately preparing for retirement, DC…

Health benefits

’Tis the season for the sniffles.