Archives June 2007

June 2007

Benefits Canada News

With labour shortages looming on the horizon, how can employers attract and keep a new generation of employees? Benefits Canada’s survey of Canadian 30-year-olds finds…

The desires of Canadian 30-year-olds have a familiar ring. Work life was quite a different experience back in our parents’ day. In exchange for putting…

  A funny thing happened this year to the landscape of chief financial officers(CFOs) and senior human resources(HR)executives. It seems their outlook on the pension…


Thirty-year-olds in today’s workforce want job satisfaction and stability but demand flexibility.   Mikal Hiscock and Rebecca Ford don’t know each other, but they have…

Defined benefit pensions

Canadian 30-year-olds are already planning for retirement. Their attitudes and expectations toward it may shape how people save for the future and life at 65.…

David Dodge outlines six areas of concern about the current incentives for sponsors of defined benefit plans. The following is an excerpt from a speech…

Health benefits

Today’s 30-year-olds value their health benefit plans now—and in the future. A majority of today’s 30-year-olds may live in the moment, but they’re looking to…

The only way to know something is to ask. And Canadian employees have spoken as to which employers rank among Canada’s 30 Best Pension and…

The introduction of new drugs and the increase of patient use will most certainly add to the health costs faced by plan sponsors. Canadians owe…

Drug legislation in the provinces will change the way plan sponsors and plan members think about cost controls. Recent drug legislation introduced in both Quebec…

Plan sponsors will have a break from high-cost trends within their drug plans. The key is to use the time wisely to keep costs down…

Employers are looking to the future but still have to contend with an aging workforce and their benefits needs. Large-type fonts, special website sections and…


Understanding where people’s responsibilities lie at the highest levels will aid in creating an environment that adheres to a solid governance structure. Reports of underfunded…

Despite 30 years of evolution and growth, there is still room for legislators to let plan sponsors and members work out their differences. The pension…