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How 5 employers are broadening the scope of mental-health support

Nearly four years after a global health crisis sparked an enduring spotlight on Canadians’ mental health, employees are increasingly making use of their workplace benefits…

Comparing workplace mental-health supports around the world

Although mental health is approached differently in workplaces around the globe, most multinational employers want to ensure a continuity of care and maintain a similar…

How active management strategies are helping institutional investors amid volatile global marketplace

As global markets navigate turbulent economic waters, active management is proving once again to be a lifeline for institutional investors to ensure their portfolios ride…

What are the issues for savings when mental health becomes a burden in retirement?

Since decreased cognition can impact retirees’ ability to make sound decisions, the Canadian Union of Public Employees urges its members to discuss financial matters with…

Halifax Port ILA/HEA assessing past, future of DB pension plans

While Blair Richards understands why the industry is moving away from defined benefit pension plans, he worries about what may be lost in the process.…

How remote working is impacting employee mental health

As the mental-health concerns of employees in remote working arrangements continue to evolve, Thomson Reuters Corp. is taking a flexible approach to supporting these workers.…

Q&A with KPMG in Canada’s Denis Trottier

The organization’s chief mental-health officer discusses sharing lived experiences, a new employee and family assistance program and maintaining his own mountain biking trail. Q: What…

Editorial: Saying goodbye to another challenging year

Since this month’s editorial is my farewell (for just five months) as I prepare for the birth of my second child at the end of…

Head to head: Is it time for DC plan sponsors to quit the balanced fund?

One defined contribution plan sponsor sings the praises of the traditional balanced fund, while another outlines a different option that better matches risk levels according…

A look at Capital One Canada’s inclusive parental leave, time off programs

Inclusivity has long been a priority at Capital One Canada and its employee leave programs are no exception. As a result of this focus, the…

  • By: Sadie Janes
  • December 15, 2023 December 14, 2023
  • 08:58

SHEPP diversifying portfolio with alternatives, less dependence on equities

Before Janet Jule joined the Saskatchewan Healthcare Employees’ Pension Plan as its chief investment officer in 2015, the pension plan sponsor started adding a wider…

Would Brazil’s new bond work in Canada?

RendA+, an innovative bond instrument in Brazil, is serving as a relatively safe asset for defined contribution pension plans and lowering retirement risk, especially for…

  • By: Sadie Janes
  • December 15, 2023 December 14, 2023
  • 08:55

Editorial: Viewing pensions, benefits through a DEI lens

While the coronavirus pandemic’s impact on public health and the global economy dominated the news cycle in recent years, there has been no shortage of…

Head to head: Are employers effectively using monthly awareness campaigns to support year-round DEI efforts?

One consultant says these campaigns are informing employers’ strategic decision-making, while another stresses the importance of ensuring employees understand the reason for marking these occasions.…

How BNP Paribas’ DEI strategy is attracting, supporting diverse talent

While employers in the financial services industry have made some progress in attracting diverse talent across the traditionally male-dominated sector, there’s still a long way…