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4 top communication trends

4 top communication trends

Every organization is unique. If you want to understand the best ways to communicate with your employees, you need to ask them. That said, your…

How to ask your insurance provider about cyber security

How to ask your insurance provider about cyber security

You probably remember the headlines earlier this year when Anthem, the second biggest U.S. health insurance company, suffered a massive data breach. Hackers stole the…

Compensation: Consider more than just salary

Compensation: Consider more than just salary

There’s nothing like a new employee getting their dream job—and there’s nothing like a company getting its dream candidate. But it’s more than just a…

Create gender diversity in the workplace

Create gender diversity in the workplace

Colleen Johnston didn’t think she was at a disadvantage when she started in the workforce 30 years ago. Diversity was embedded in her philosophy: business…

Benefits and the demographics challenge

Benefits and the demographics challenge

There’s nothing like a number of employees from different generations to keep employers thinking about their benefits offering. "Now we have five different cohorts in…

How Starbucks changed one employee’s life

How Starbucks changed one employee’s life

At 63, Michael (Mike) Gates Gill found himself jobless and diagnosed with cancer—and without any retirement savings or health insurance.

Why gamification is here to stay

Why gamification is here to stay

According to PwC, by 2017, a new breed of consumer will dominate: the "digital native."

How to make cutbacks and still increase employee engagement

How to make cutbacks and still increase employee engagement

Last year was a tough one for Corby Spirit and Wine Ltd., a leading distributor of wine and spirits with 1,900 employees across Canada. The…

Why you should care about Hepatitis C

Hepatitis C may not be on your radar as a drug plan sponsor. But with the benefits—and costs—of new therapies, it will be. Globally, there…

Why I’m worried about Gen Z

The employee benefits industry has invested a lot of time and money in trying to understand millennials: how they interact with other generations, what they…

2015 Group Benefits Providers Report: The benefits of big data

2015 Group Benefits Providers Report: The benefits of big data

How can access to more—and better—data improve employee benefits?

Why you need a benefits communication policy

Why you need a benefits communication policy

If you’re a pension or benefits plan sponsor, you need a documented communication policy. Why? Not because it’s a legal requirement. And not just to…

The power of total rewards

The power of total rewards

Your best employees are likely motivated by more than just money. That’s not to say they don’t care how much they’re paid or whether they…

Editorial: Hard choices for working mothers

Editorial: Hard choices for working mothers

If your workforce includes women of child-bearing age, they have some tough decisions to make.

Women’s retirement readiness threatened

While women globally have positive expectations about their future retirement, there are also dark storm clouds threatening their retirement readiness.

  • By: Staff
  • November 24, 2014 March 10, 2021
  • 08:54

How to make performance reviews more effective

Are your employees engaged and motivated? The sad reality is that many Canadian employees are not. A big contributing factor is that many Canadian companies…

Compassionate care benefits boost staff engagement

Compassionate care benefits boost staff engagement

Compassionate care leave policies in the workplace increase engagement and retention among Canadian employees caring for terminally ill loved ones.

  • By: Staff
  • October 23, 2014 September 13, 2019
  • 11:11
How to retain employees

How to retain employees

Employee turnover is a slippery slope. Beyond lost productivity and institutional knowledge walking out the door, there are significant expenses related to interviewing, hiring and…

2014 Consultants Report: The personal touch

2014 Consultants Report: The personal touch

We live in a digital age where we are bombarded by information at lightning speed. For many of us, it’s a struggle just to get…

Are you conditioning your employees to tune you out?

Are you conditioning your employees to tune you out?

It is possible to have too much of a good thing, including communication. In fact, one of the best ways NOT to communicate is to…

Using a multi-channel approach to benefits communication

Using a multi-channel approach to benefits communication

Despite the sentiment that we have entered a digitally dominant age, traditional benefits communication vehicles have not yet become obsolete.

  • By: Staff
  • August 14, 2014 September 13, 2019
  • 10:34

Employers have the power to change gender diversity in the financial industry

Few women hold senior roles in the financial industry—but employers have the power to change that

Communicate by cohort to grab members’ attention

Communicate by cohort to grab members’ attention

In previous columns, I’ve talked about the importance of personalized communication—giving members the information they need, when they need it. In our information-heavy and attention-span-light…

Federal government launches plan to help caregivers

Federal government launches plan to help caregivers

The federal government has launched the Canadian Employers for Caregivers Plan, which aims to help maximize the labour force participation of caregivers and maintain workplace…

  • By: Staff
  • June 23, 2014 September 13, 2019
  • 16:14
Starbucks offers free university tuition to employees

Starbucks offers free university tuition to employees

Starbucks is offering to pay post-secondary tuition for its American employees.

  • By: Staff
  • June 18, 2014 September 13, 2019
  • 09:33