Desjardins Financial Security has announced a new offering to help employers better promote health at the workplace and support employees on disability leave. The service is called Contact 360°.
Some of the features available to employees under the program include access to health-related counselling both online and by phone, telephone counselling for psychological problems related to financial, relationship or dependency issues, and a telephone assistance line staffed by healthcare professionals 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
For employers, specialized training is available for managers on subjects such as mental health and absenteeism. Companies interested in organizing prevention activities, such as vaccination clinics, anti-smoking campaigns or blood pressure screenings, can receive referrals to external providers with experience in these areas.
The service also includes a disability management component in which employees can obtain guidance to help them return to work. Their medical files are reviewed and other factors that might be impacting their health, such as family matters or work relationships, are taken into consideration. Medical and paramedical experts and other professionals are consulted to identify the best treatment options. Critical illness insurance and convalescent care coverage can also be added to the group insurance plan.
“[It] is a service offer that enhances employers’ ability to promote health at work and better manage disabilities,” says Nathalie Laporte, vice-president of product development and marketing, group and business insurance at Desjardins Financial Security. “From the moment that the insurance contract is signed, the employer is assigned a claims specialist and a rehabilitation specialist in disability management and prevention. This gives us an opportunity to know the company better and ensures that every employee on disability recovers and makes a safe and lasting return to work.”