Getting employees who are on sick leave successfully back into the workplace should always be a priority for employers. With October being Healthy Workplace Month we are drawing special attention to return-to-work strategies. Refer to these resources when managing employees who are on sick leave and preparing their return-to-work plan.
Creating a positive return-to-work experience
How an employee returns to work following an absence—be it due to a physical or mental illness—will have a huge impact on his or her recovery process and their sustainable return to the workplace…read more.
The 3 Ws of return to work
Bringing an employee back to work after a disability is a challenge every employer faces, regardless of the size or scope of its organization. But the transition can be eased by a return-to-work (RTW) program that addresses the needs of both employer and employee…read more.
The point of return
From a financial and workplace perspective, most employers understand the need to manage casual absence and disability claims properly—but the devil of disability management is in the details…read more.
Return to work in progress
Evidence linking the economy and disability claims incidence is inconsistent. Both strong economic conditions and economic downturns can potentially affect disability plan costs…read more.
Mental health in the workplace: Prevention and return to work
During these unprecedented times, employees are under greater stress due to job insecurity or financial losses than ever before. That stress can lead to mental disorders and long-term disability leave…read more.