Latest news in Disability management

2022 Tech Insights: Helping employees manage burden of living with chronic illness, disability

When Kristy Dickinson’s health took a turn eight years ago and she was diagnosed with a rare and complex disease, she stepped away from her…

2022 Tech Insights: Optimizing plan member outcomes with proactive medication assessments

A typical patient’s journey takes plan members from the doctor to the pharmacy for medication and then leaves them on their own. But employees’ lives…

2022 Drug Plan Trends Report: High-cost drugs, DEI shaping drug plans

This month marks the second anniversary of the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic, a 24-month span that has had profound effects on the health of…

Two years later: Employers leveraging health, wellness tools to prevent pandemic-fuelled burnout, disability leaves

As the second anniversary of the coronavirus pandemic approaches, Canadian employers are leveraging all the tools in their health and wellness toolbox to stave off…

Mental health-related disability rises among Canadians during pandemic: Stats Can

The proportions of mental health-related disability increased 2.3 percentage points from 2019 (6.4 per cent) to 2021 (8.7 per cent), according to combined data from…

  • By: Staff
  • March 9, 2022 March 9, 2022
  • 15:00

Supporting employees with education, access to effective migraine medications

A migraine attack is much more severe than a headache because it comes with a lot of other symptoms, according to Dr. Elizabeth Leroux, a…

What plan sponsors need to know about employees living with lupus

Lupus, a chronic but “invisible” autoimmune disease with no cure, is a life-altering diagnosis that impacts all areas of patients’ lives, including their work performance.…

A look at how chiropractors can be workplace wellness partners

The burden of musculoskeletal disease has had a significant impact on the lives of Canadians at home and at work, said Alison Dantas, chief executive…

Focusing on prevention, support for employees with musculoskeletal disabilities

Musculoskeletal issues have a far-reaching impact on the mental, physical and emotional wellness of benefits plan members and their families — however, they also come…

Employees with chronic diseases, caregiver responsibilities often shouldering invisible burden

Kristy Dickinson woke up on a recent Monday unable to move her body. The delay waiting for medication and a heating pad to kick in…

The importance of early intervention for employees with multiple sclerosis

People living with multiple sclerosis can continue to thrive in the workforce with early access to specialists in the disease and accommodations that give them…

How benefits plans can help manage inflammatory bowel disease

It took an “intense, painful and scary” flare and emergency surgery at age 38 for Marie-Josée Lafleur (pictured right) to finally be diagnosed with inflammatory…

Top 5 HR, pension and benefits stories of the week

An article on British Columbia’s paramedics and their need for enhanced mental-health benefits was the most read story over the past week on Here…

  • By: Staff
  • March 4, 2022 March 4, 2022
  • 09:00

ArcelorMittal collective agreements’ renewal improves DB pension, work-life balance

ArcelorMittal Long Products Canada is renewing three collective agreements with its employees, including improvements to the defined benefit pension plan, disability benefits and life insurance.…

  • By: Staff
  • March 2, 2022 March 1, 2022
  • 09:00
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Expert panel: Considerations for disability management in a hybrid work environment

As this wave of the coronavirus pandemic abates and more organizations settle into their respective futures of work, leadership teams are considering how the many…

Alberta’s plan to enter the captive insurance market could have benefits for employers

Alberta’s move to enter the captive insurance market could have significant benefits for employers in the province. On Dec. 2, 2021, the province’s proposed Bill…

Survey finds majority of Gen Z, millennials dealing with anxiety, depression

The majority (69 per cent) of employed generation Z and millennial Canadians are struggling with anxiety, while 59 per cent are dealing with depression, according…

  • By: Staff
  • February 2, 2022 February 10, 2022
  • 09:00

Webinar coverage: How can alopecia areata affect benefits plan members?

While there’s a 2.5 per cent lifetime chance of having alopecia areata, the progression can be unpredictable and cause a lot of stress for patients,…

Bell Let’s Talk Day: Employers supporting staff amid pandemic stresses

This year, Canadian employers are marking Bell Canada’s Let’s Talk Day by addressing the ongoing coronavirus pandemic’s impact on the mental health of employees. The…

Coverage of the 2021 Face to Face in Drug Plan Management Forum

On Dec. 15, the industry’s most popular drug benefits conference returned in a virtual format, highlighting the trends and opportunities for Canadian benefits plan sponsors…

Copyright_Aleksandr Kalugin_123RF

Using proactive drug plan design to ensure future sustainability

In 2020, Canada Life Assurance Co. saw a decrease in the number of benefits plan members making a drug claim, though the costs of those…

Ensuring plan sponsors get value for money from their drug plans

The drug pipeline is full of new medications that may be more effective but may also be more expensive than existing treatments. Although they could…

How can employers support coronavirus long-haulers?

As the phenomenon of coronavirus long-haulers — individuals who display symptoms for months following infection — becomes more prominent amid the ongoing pandemic, plan sponsors…

Coverage of the 2021 Mental Health Summit

Recognized as the leading and most well-known event in workplace mental health for more than 15 years, Benefits Canada‘s 2021 Mental Health Summit, which was…

2021 Mental Health Summit: A look at the lesser-known impact of diabetes distress

The World Health Organization has designated diabetes as the only non-viral epidemic and diabetes drugs continue to be ranked as the second highest cost category…