Nearly half (47 per cent) of Canadians say they’ve been injured in a way that impedes or has impeded them from being fully functional at work, at home or at play, according to a new survey by Ipsos on behalf of the Canadian Athletic Therapists Association.

The survey, which polled 1,000 Canadian workers aged 18 and older, found nearly all (96 per cent) said they want their employer-provided health benefits plan to cover a range of treatments, including access to athletic therapy if they got injured.

Read: Should employers cover athletic therapy?

While most Canadians noted they’ve heard of physical therapy (88 per cent) and occupational therapy (73 per cent), fewer than half (47 per cent) said they’ve heard of athletic therapy, and far fewer (10 per cent) said they’ve heard of active release therapy.

Indeed, nearly all (96 per cent) respondents agreed different forms of physical therapy are important to maintaining or returning to good physical health. A similar percentage (97 per cent) agreed it’s important to have access to personalized treatment plans, without breaking the bank when spending money on physical therapies. Notably, 62 per cent said they strongly believe their employer’s health plan should cover a range of treatments so that employees can access the treatment that works best for them.

Read: Hybrid of core coverage, personalized benefits touted as future of health plans