Medavie Blue Cross has launched a new app, Medavie Mobile, designed to give clients access to their benefits information any time, anywhere.
Features of the new product include an electronic ID card, a place to view past claims and browse for coverage, and a GPS-enabled search function to find and save local healthcare providers. Most clients can also submit their claims using that tool.
The free app is available in the Apple App Store, the Android Google Play Store and BlackBerry World.
In addition to the new mobile app, customers still have several service options when it comes to interacting with Medavie Blue Cross. These options include provider online billing, e-claims and face-to-face service at Quick Pay offices throughout Atlantic and Quebec, along with regular mail and phone.
The new app is the latest in a number of initiatives Medavie Blue Cross has introduced as part of its strategy to use digital technology in order to improve interaction with customers. Last month, the organization launched My Good Health, a free online service offering clients health information, links to community resources and a tool to identify health risks and develop personalized action plans to improve their health.
And recently, another product, eClaims, was introduced for many clients to submit electronic claims through a secure member site.