More than half (53 per cent) of Canadian job seekers are looking for better pay and benefits, according to a new survey by data intelligence company Morning Consult.
While 35 per cent of respondents said they’re switching roles because of the coronavirus pandemic, 87 per cent said they’re either somewhat concerned, concerned or very concerned about finding a new job.
Read: Canadian employers expecting to increase salaries by 3% in 2022: survey
In a separate survey of U.S. workers, Morning Consult found 31 per cent said pay would be their top consideration for a job offer, followed by better benefits (29 per cent), flexible schedules (15 per cent) and the option of a remote working arrangement (11 per cent).
And while three per cent said they’d take a new job if it offered better coronavirus safety protocols, two per cent would leave their role for an employer that didn’t mandate masks or vaccines and 18 per cent would quit if their current employer introduced these measures.
Read: 19% of remote workers would mull quitting if forced to return to office: survey