Latest news in Health benefits

GroupHEALTH partners with GMS Insurance

GroupHEALTH partners with GMS Insurance

GroupHEALTH Benefit Solutions has partnered with GMS Insurance to grow its advisor partner network. The partnership allows GMS Insurance to expand its portfolio by offering…

Sounding Board: National drug bulk-buying agreement should represent all Canadians

Sounding Board: National drug bulk-buying agreement should represent all Canadians

This past week, Canada joined with the provinces to look at bulk-purchasing prescription drugs.  That prompted the Canadian Life and Health Insurance Association (CLHIA) to…

Working group formed to tackle national pharmaceutical strategy

Working group formed to tackle national pharmaceutical strategy

A meeting of health ministers has wrapped up in Vancouver, with what the federal government calls a “first step” toward improving Canada’s healthcare system. Federal…

Employers want to be heard on national healthcare: report

Employers want to be heard on national healthcare: report

While Canadian employers agree that coverage of prescription drugs is an important part of the national healthcare system, they have strong viewpoints and concerns about…

Xerox partners Evive Health for personalized healthcare

Xerox has partnered Evive Health to add more predictive analytics to its interactive suite of healthcare solutions, RightOpt, enabling employers to strengthen their well-being programs…

Private insurers want in on national bulk-buying deal for drugs

Private insurers want in on national bulk-buying deal for drugs

As talks about the future of Canada’s health-care agreements kicked off in Vancouver yesterday, federal Health Minister Jane Philpott announced that Ottawa is joining the…

First Health Care launches single-contact benefits service

First Health Care launches single-contact benefits service

First Health Care has launched YourNurse, a service that provides a single point of contact to help employees navigate their health benefits. Employees can access…

Editorial: Address rising drug costs

Editorial: Address rising drug costs

With drug prices on the rise, you’d think employers would be making plenty of changes to save costs for their benefits plans. Surprisingly, that’s not…

  • By: Glenn Kauth
  • January 18, 2016 September 13, 2019
  • 12:06
What is driving the rising demand for paramedical services?

What is driving the rising demand for paramedical services?

Indispensable and beneficial for some but unnecessary and expensive for others, paramedical services are an integral part of most group insurance plans in Canada. So…

Cost increases of global employer-sponsored health plans to reach 9.1%: report

Cost increases of global employer-sponsored health plans to reach 9.1%: report

The average cost increases for global employer-sponsored medical plans will be 9.1% in 2016, 5.5 percentage points higher than the global average projected, according to a new…

Stop loss under siege

Stop loss under siege

Stop-loss pools are under continued pressure to accommodate the ever-increasing number of claims for high-cost drugs. The explosion of claims for drugs to treat the…

  • January 4, 2016 September 13, 2019
  • 10:04
47% happy to be diagnosed by digital health technology

47% happy to be diagnosed by digital health technology

Digital health technology is growing in popularity, as a new survey has found that almost half (47%) of adults in the UK would be happy…

Drug trends that are keeping you up at night

Drug trends that are keeping you up at night

Tremendous changes in both the pharmaceutical and healthcare landscapes mean that climbing drug costs are inevitable, warned Carlyn Volume–Smith, Alberta Blue Cross Benefits Services senior…

  • By: Staff
  • December 15, 2015 September 13, 2019
  • 15:53
How to manage obesity in the workplace

How to manage obesity in the workplace

Obesity is a chronic medical condition and a major public health problem affecting one in four Canadian adults, according to the Public Health Agency of…

  • By: Staff
  • December 15, 2015 September 13, 2019
  • 15:53
How to manage cardiovascular disease

How to manage cardiovascular disease

Thanks to advances in medical treatments over the past four decades, a study from the Public Health Agency of Canada shows that fewer people are…

  • By: Staff
  • December 15, 2015 September 13, 2019
  • 15:53
The growing costs of treating chronic illnesses

The growing costs of treating chronic illnesses

Chronic illnesses, and the rising costs of treating them, are a growing concern for benefits plan sponsors. At the 2015 Calgary Drug Trends Summit, experts…

  • By: Staff
  • December 15, 2015 September 13, 2019
  • 15:52
Psoriasis – A look below the surface

Psoriasis – A look below the surface

At the age of 35, Andrew Gosse was tired of living. A psoriasis patient for more than half his life, he told his wife, “This…

  • By: Staff
  • December 15, 2015 September 13, 2019
  • 15:51
Benefits considerations for your international workers

Benefits considerations for your international workers

The global economy continues to drive employers to send their employees abroad. But you, as the employer, need to have a solid plan in place…

  • December 7, 2015 September 13, 2019
  • 08:00
Calls to action abound at drug plan management conference

Calls to action abound at drug plan management conference

Panellists at Benefits Canada’s Face-to-Face Drug Plan Management conference earlier this week called for rational, effective cost-cutting measures to ensure benefits plan sustainability. There was…

2015 Mental Health Summit coverage

2015 Mental Health Summit coverage

Physicians, psychiatrists, HR specialists, insurers and employers met at Benefits Canada’s 2015 Mental Health Summits in Toronto on Nov. 12, 2015, and Vancouver on Dec. 8, 2015, to…

Understanding the Challenges of Managing Mental Health in the Workplace With a Focus on ADHD

Understanding the challenges of managing mental health in the workplace with a focus on ADHD

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) has huge organizational and individual costs. For employers, it means workers who are mentally exhausted, have difficulty functioning, are constantly…

Personality Disorders in the Workplace: What Can Managers Do?

Personality Disorders in the Workplace: What Can Managers Do?

Every manager knows there are certain employees who can be disruptive or even toxic. But they may be more than just annoying. They could have…

Support the mental health of millennials in the workplace

Support the mental health of millennials in the workplace

At one time, baby boomers ruled the workplace and programs, and strategies revolved around their needs. Today, another enormous demographic is poised to take their…

Work/Life Balance – Effective Management Practices to Succeed Without Burning Out

Work/Life Balance – Effective Management Practices to Succeed Without Burning Out

The need for companies to stay competitive has resulted in longer customer service hours, more atypical schedules, heavier workloads and pressure on employees to work…

Workplace Mental Health and Optimal Disability Management

Workplace Mental Health and Optimal Disability Management

Employers already know mental health issues are taking a huge toll on productivity and morale—and especially benefits costs. And the situation is getting worse. “The…