Latest news in Health benefits

‘War for talent’ to drive employers’ total rewards strategy in 2020

‘War for talent’ to drive employers’ total rewards strategy in 2020

Strong competition to attract and retain talent will drive employers to adopt holistic employee wellness strategies in 2020, according to the Workforce Institute at Kronos…

Mat leave returnees no longer facing reset of LTD pre-existing clause

Mat leave returnees no longer facing reset of LTD pre-existing clause

Major Canadian insurers are no longer resetting the long-term disability pre-existing condition clause for women whose benefits coverage lapsed during their maternity leave when they return…

Starbucks offering meditation app to all Canadian employees

Starbucks offering meditation app to all Canadian employees

Starbucks Canada is giving its more than 23,000 employees a free subscription to meditation app Headspace. In total, more than 200,000 employees across North America are receiving access…

  • By: Staff
  • January 6, 2020 November 12, 2020
  • 15:00

Quebec drug pooling corp.’s cost increases mean premium hikes for plan sponsors

Quebec employers can expect to face significant increases to their drug pooling premiums in 2020. The Quebec Drug Insurance Pooling Corp., which sets the annual pooling parameters…

Conference coverage: 2019 Toronto Mental Health Summit

Conference coverage: 2019 Toronto Mental Health Summit

On Nov. 29, the 2019 Toronto Mental Health Summit featured sessions on how employers can approach mental health in the workplace, including removing the stigma and…

Social connection can build or erode mental health, resilience

Social connection can build or erode mental health, resilience

Between 2017 and 2019, the number of individuals reporting mental-health issues has risen by seven per cent, according to Dr. Sam Mikail, psychologist and senior…

Treatment access, innovation integral to supporting employee mental health

Treatment access, innovation integral to supporting employee mental health

Mental-health symptomology — such as difficulty concentrating, feelings of isolation and lack of motivation — is incredibly impactful in the workplace and makes it difficult…

10 key factors for ensuring the success of a digital therapy program

10 key factors for ensuring the success of a digital therapy program

In recent years, advancements in technology have led to the development and cost-effective delivery of sophisticated digital mental-health programs, with burgeoning resources for common mental-health…

Considering the connection between chronic illnesses and mental health

Considering the connection between chronic illnesses and mental health

Over the last 40 years, the mortality morbidities of cancer, HIV and cardiovascular disease have dropped dramatically, but the mortality of suicide has gone up,…

A look at how internet-based CBT programs are evolving

A look at how internet-based CBT programs are evolving

Internet-based programs are the future of mental-health therapy, according to Peter Gove, the former innovation leader in health management at Green Shield Canada, speaking during a session…

Harnessing analytics, data to support employee mental health

Harnessing analytics, data to support employee mental health

Mental health is the third largest health spend in terms of benefits plan management, according to Derek Weir, manager of health benefit solutions at Medavie Blue…

Giving workers mental-health care options extremely important

Giving workers mental-health care options extremely important

When Mark Henick, principal and chief executive officer at Strategic Mental Health Solutions, was younger, he felt he had no choice but to take his…

Awareness, education key parts of a mental-health action plan

Awareness, education key parts of a mental-health action plan

Among the ways employers can encourage better employee mental health is to focus on prevention by raising awareness, reduce structural barriers and provide mental-health education,…

The comorbidity link between migraine and mental health

The comorbidity link between migraine and mental health

A migraine sufferer herself, Dr. Rose Giammarco, founder and director of Hamilton Headache Clinic, told the audience at Benefits Canada‘s 2019 Mental Health Summit that…

The role of nutrition in improving mental health

The role of nutrition in improving mental health

Since good nutrition contributes to better mental health, what people eat has a direct relationship to their mood and how they function, said Charmaine Alexander,…

EI premiums to fall in 2020 for workers and employers

EI premiums to fall in 2020 for workers and employers

Canadian workers and employers will enjoy a slight decrease in employment insurance premiums in the new year, resulting in about $1.1 billion in total reductions…

Elimination of B.C. medical services plan premiums good news for employers

Elimination of B.C. medical services plan premiums good news for employers

British Columbians are ringing in the new year by joining all Canadians in not paying monthly rates for health care. Premiums under the province’s medical services…

Top 10 health and benefits stories of 2019

Top 10 health and benefits stories of 2019

On the health benefits front, readers were focused on paid leave, legislative changes, medical cannabis and a range of other issues in 2019. Benefits Canada rounds up the industry’s most popular…

Tips for a healthy workforce in 2020

Tips for a healthy workforce in 2020

Looking ahead to 2020, all indicators point to technology playing a greater role in human resources practices given the rapid advances in artificial intelligence and emerging virtual…

The case for offering mental-health days

The case for offering mental-health days

Mental health is a growing concern both in and out of the workplace, and employees with these issues often need days to deal with them. Paula…

What to expect for health benefits in 2020

What to expect for health benefits in 2020

Looking ahead to 2020, the big story for health benefits is often avoided because it isn’t easy to address. It’s the elephant in the room.…

  • December 24, 2019 November 12, 2020
  • 06:30
My Take: Making it work, four days a week

My Take: Making it work, four days a week

When my husband got a new job in Pickering, Ont., it became clear that a four-hour return commute from our west-end neighbourhood on public transit…

CAA Club Group adding virtual care to benefits plan

CAA Club Group adding virtual care to benefits plan

CAA Club Group is making virtual health care available to all its full- and part-time employees through its benefits plan. The program is a partnership…

  • By: Staff
  • December 20, 2019 November 11, 2020
  • 09:01
Niagara Casinos gambles with innovative pension communications

Niagara Casinos gambles with innovative pension communications

In November 2018, Niagara Casinos set up a pop-up coffee shop, called NC Café, across its three locations for a week. It was part of…

Roundtable: Plan sponsor considerations around medical cannabis coverage

Roundtable: Plan sponsor considerations around medical cannabis coverage

When the federal government signed the Cannabis Act into law in 2018, legalizing recreational cannabis, it also committed to providing patients with better access to…