An American insurer is offering the option of adding a teeth whitening benefit to dental insurance policies as an additional cost option to employers.
“We heard from many of our clients and prospects that teeth whitening was important to their employees—especially those in professions that deal directly with clients or the public,” says Griff Bailey, second vice-president, dental, at The Standard. “Teeth whitening isn’t part of the usual employee benefits conversation, but with the increased interest shown by plan participants, it’s a great benefit for brokers and employers to consider when designing a dental plan.”
The teeth whitening coverage enables participants to receive treatment every two years.
When eligible for treatment, a participant may choose between receiving a custom-fitted tray for bleaching upper and lower arches at home or a single in-office laser bleaching.
“Historically, teeth whitening has been considered a cosmetic procedure and not covered by insurance companies,” says Dr. Raymond Frye, founder of Bling Dental in Portland, Ore. “It’s a fantastic advantage for patients that insurance companies are recognizing the value of covering a portion of professional whitening services.”
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