Slightly more than half (51 per cent) of hybrid or remote workers say they’d leave their job if they were mandated to return to the office, according to a new survey by software company Workhuman.
The survey, which polled 1,000 full-time employees in the U.S., found although two-thirds (67 per cent) of respondents reported their working preferences are aligned with their company’s return-to-office requirements, employees were split down the middle in terms of their preference for hybrid or fully remote working (50 per cent) or returning to the office (50 per cent).
Read: 19% of remote workers would mull quitting if forced to return to office: survey
Two-thirds (67 per cent) of respondents said they aren’t concerned about being laid off in the near future, compared to 43 per cent who expressed concern that economic uncertainty will impact their job in some way. Among the latter group, respondents’ biggest concerns included increased stress and tension (62 per cent), layoffs leading to short-staffing issues (46 per cent), a reduced likelihood of getting a raise (42 per cent), reduced hours (37 per cent), working harder to prove their worth (32 per cent) and reduced pay (23 per cent).
More than two-thirds (67 per cent) of respondents said they’re very likely or definitely planning to stay with their current company. Those who intend to stay put (26 per cent) cited their benefits plans (26 per cent) and compensation (20 per cent) as the primary reasons for their decision.
Read: Remote, hybrid or in-office work? Marketing agency lets staff decide
The survey also found 60 per cent of respondents said the cost of back-to-school essentials has been a burden on their finances. Indeed, these respondents noted flexible working policies would help them carve out time to take their children to appointments (35 per cent), allow them to drop their kids off at school before arriving at work (35 per cent) and pick them up on time after school (33 per cent), stay home with their sick children (31 per cent) and attend other school-related activities for their kids (26 per cent).
Close to three-quarters (71 per cent) of respondents said they agree with their manager on general workplace topics. When asked which uncomfortable situations they’ve found themselves in, respondents said they’ve seen somebody else receive credit for their work (37 per cent), they’ve worked with colleagues wth whom they clash (34 per cent), they’ve overheard negative comments about a colleague (33 per cent) or they’ve been put on the spot in a meeting (25 per cent).
Read: How employers can support working parents, their families during return to school