What’s cooking for employees at Campbell Company of Canada? A lot, according to Fanny Karolev, Campbell’s manager of health and wellness, who we caught on camera at the Healthy Outcomes Conference in Banff, Alta. in April.
Campbell’s recently launched the online nutrition, fitness and health information portal, Nutribasic. The resource promotes healthy lifestyles to its employees in the effort to reduce absenteeism, increase productivity and decrease healthcare costs.
The portal acts like an outreach program, says Karolev, providing customized tools that employees can use to manage and track their eating and exercise habits, plus manage their adherence to medication and treatment.
The launch of Nutribasic follows Campbell’s successful implementation of Your Health Matters (YHM), a workplace cancer and screening program developed by the Erie St. Clair Regional Cancer Program in collaboration with provincial cancer agencies across the country including Cancer Care Ontario.
Hear what Karolev has to say about both programs on BenefitsCanadaTV a new video resource launching today.
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