Half (49 per cent) of U.S. employees say they’re burned out from their jobs, down from 58 per cent in August 2020, according to a new survey by Eagle Hill Consulting.
The survey, which polled 1,000 employees, found the top sources of burnout cited by respondents are workload (48 per cent), staffing shortages (45 per cent), juggling personal and professional lives (39 per cent), a lack of communication and support (38 per cent) and time pressures (29 per cent).
When asked how staff shortages are impacting their workload, 86 per cent of workers said they’re covering for unfilled positions, followed by helping colleagues learn on the job (42 per cent), training new hires (37 per cent) and recruiting and interviewing new hires (24 per cent).
Read: 82% of senior leaders experiencing exhaustion indicative of burnout: survey
Nearly three-quarters (72 per cent) said a four-day workweek would alleviate their stress, followed by increased workplace flexibility (69 per cent), decreased workload (64 per cent), better health and wellness programs (61 per cent), working from home (61 per cent), reduced administrative burdens (55 per cent), more onsite amenities (53 per cent) and the ability to relocate or work from multiple locations (42 per cent).
Nearly two-thirds of employees who reported burnout (62 per cent) said they feel comfortable telling their manager or employer, while women (54 per cent) and younger workers (53 per cent) reported higher levels of burnout.
More than a third (36 per cent) of employees said they plan to leave their job in the next 12 months, up from 34 per cent in April. The percentage is higher among workers aged 18 to 34 (46 per cent) and those aged 35 to 54 (37 per cent), while just 23 per cent of employees aged 55 or older said they plan to change jobs.
“It’s encouraging to see that worker stress is dipping, but the high burnout levels remain troubling,” said Melissa Jezior, president and chief executive officer of Eagle Hill, in a press release. “Employers need workers at the top of their game and they need employees to stay on the job in this tight labour market. When employees are exhausted, stressed or feel like they can’t perform they’re likely to walk out the door.”
Read: Burnout tops list of reasons Canadian employees are considering leaving their jobs: survey