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China is on the road to recovery

China’s economy was the first to suffer the consequences of fighting the novel coronavirus and is the first on the road to recovery. If it…


Managing fixed income liquidity issues caused by the coronavirus crash

When the coronavirus prompted a collapse in both economic activity and equity markets in March, it put an end to the longest bull market in…

Exploring the impact of coronavirus on commercial litigation finance investments

“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times…” The above quote from Charles Dickens aptly describes the current environment for the…


The policy response to coronavirus: printing our way to salvation or inflation?

The novel coronavirus has brought with it an unprecedented shuttering of the global economy and an equally unprecedented policy response. The speed and scale at…


Phase one China trade deal: Key issues unresolved until after U.S. election

The phase one trade deal between the U.S. and China was presented by the Trump administration as an “historic and enforceable” agreement that “begins rebalancing…

  • By: Katie Deal
  • March 5, 2020 December 13, 2020
  • 15:21

U.S.-China trade relations see short-term calm, but clouds remain for 2021

The recent publication of the U.S.-China trade deal and the final macroeconomic numbers for 2019 should set the stage for healthy economic performance and stronger…


Are negative rates coming to Canada?

There has been a lot of buzz about negative interest rates lately, as the idea that you would have to pay governments to borrow your…

Finding opportunity in hidden bear markets

Global shares, represented by the MSCI world index, ended 2019 at an all-time high. Their robust 9.5 per cent per annum return during the 2010s…


ESG tongue-twisters to become everyday language in 2020

Have you ever noticed that the language of sustainable investment is rife with acronyms? In my opinion, 2020 will see some of the worst tongue-twisters…

Dissecting China’s debt problem

China’s debt problem is serious, but the risk of a hard landing or banking crisis is, in my view, low. The reason is that the…


When it makes sense to do it yourself

Large pension funds pare back external investment managers.

  • By: Adam Bomers
  • September 14, 2019 January 20, 2021
  • 16:10

Know what you own: managing the pitfalls of cyclicality

The current U.S. economic expansion has just become the longest on record. This period of uninterrupted growth has driven strong market performance over the past…

What is the biggest risk when it comes to investing in China?

I am optimistic about China’s medium-term economic prospects, within the context of gradually slower year-over-year growth rates. This optimism is based largely on the continuing…