Canadian Investment Review is pleased to welcome the IMF back to the this year’s 15th Annual Global Investment Conference.
Hervé Ferhani is Deputy Director of the Monetary and Capital Markets Department of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) where he heads the Central Banking Area.
Fehrani will deal with burning questions such as, what have we learned regarding financial stability? Should central banks focus on asset prices? Is micro prudential supervision sufficient to detect systemic risk? Can we identify key policy issues to make the financial system more stable?
He joined the Fund in 2002 after a long career (26 years) at the Bank of France where he headed the Market Area. His responsibilities there covered both monetary and exchange rate policy implementation, as well as foreign exchange reserve management.
During his stay with Banque de France, he was at the core of Banque de France action in the process leading to the European Monetary Union.
He spent part of his career in the Banking Supervision Authority, the Commission Bancaire, and was seconded to the Federal Reserve Bank of New York in 1987/1988. Hervé graduated from Sciences Po Paris (major in Economics and Finance). He holds a master’s degree in Business law from Paris II Assas University.
To learn more about the conference taking place on April 6-8 in Mont Tremblant, visit the Upcoming Events section.