What do Canada’s top economists think of the state of the Canadian economy? And how could NAFTA renegotiations and a stronger trading relationship with Asia fundamentally change the economic landscape in North America and here at home? Canada’s top economists will gather to help us kick off Canadian Investment Review’s newest event: the DB Investment Forum, taking place on December 5th in Montreal and December 7th in Toronto. Join us for a Panel discussion in both cities where we’ll ask questions on where interest rates are headed, the future of NAFTA and the top challenges each economist thinks will influence the Canadian and global economies in the year ahead.
Find out more about our Montreal and Toronto events – and register soon because space is running out!
Our panelists:
Toronto Event:
Dawn Desjardins, deputy chief economist, Royal Bank of Canada
Brett House, deputy chief economist, Scotiabank
David Madani, senior Canada economist, Capital Economics
Montreal Event:
Robert Hogue, senior economist, Royal Bank of Canada
Brett House, deputy chief economist, Scotiabank