Macroeconomic risks are keeping plan sponsors up at night in the wake of the 2008 financial crisis. So said plan sponsors participating in a panel at the 2012 Risk Management Conference held this past August in Muskoka, Ontario. Adrian Hussey, managing director, portfolio and risk analysis, University of Toronto Asset Management discussed his plan’s concerns over a worsening situation in Europe and a potential hard landing in China. “If you look at our risk budget, our two main risks are equity risk and hedging risk with foreign exchange exposures,” he said. “One thing we are looking at is defensive equity strategies to manage those risks over the long-term.” Listen to our full interview with Hussey by clicking on the image.
UTAM’s Top Risks
Adrian Hussey at the 2012 Risk Management Conference.
- By: Caroline Cakebread
- October 3, 2012 September 13, 2019
- 07:00