A rundown of the top articles we were reading this week at Canadian Investment Review:
Pension funds need to invest in the rainforest (Institutional Investor)— BofA Merrill is has been making good money investing in projects that prevent deforestation. Plan sponsors should follow suit and invest in a host of new products based on REDD (reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation). Why? Because according to scientists halting tropical deforestation and planting new forests could do as much to slow global warming as doubling the world’s nuclear energy capacity or building 2 million new wind turbines.
Comparing pension funds to the nuclear industry? — That’s what blogger Ashby Monk does in this post where he talks about why fail-safe operations with tight risk management protocols often fail to be safe.
What pensions can learn from corporate America (Top 1000 Funds) — Former CIO of the Alaska Permanent Fund Jeff Scott shares his thoughts on what plan sponsors can learn from U.S. companies. Scott is set to run a special workshop at our 2012 Risk Management Conference…stay tuned for more info.