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Finding balance between risk and return

Speaking at the recent Foundation, Endowment & Not For Profit Investment Summit, Sheila Norman, a portfolio manager with CGOV Asset Management, and president of the…

  • By: Neil Faba
  • January 24, 2011 September 13, 2019
  • 13:22
Deflated: investing in a puffed up economy

Deflated: investing in a puffed up economy

David Rosenberg, chief economist and strategist with Gluskin Sheff + Associates Inc., spoke passionately at the recent Foundation, Endowment & Not For Profit Investment Summit…

Mercer Fearless Forecast 2011: modest growth, solid returns

Mercer Fearless Forecast 2011: modest growth, solid returns

2010 was a good year for the Canadian economy. “Canada was one of the first G7 nations to climb out of the recession,” said Mark…

Issuing bonds to fund pension deficits

Issuing bonds to fund pension deficits

In November, several companies south of the border issued bonds and the proceeds of the sale were used to help fund pension deficits. These companies…

Regulators push for environmental disclosure

Regulators push for environmental disclosure

Canadian securities regulators expect improved environmental disclosure from the country’s reporting issuers and have released a guidance document towards meeting that goal. “Issuers are increasingly…

  • By: Doug Watt
  • October 29, 2010 September 13, 2019
  • 00:00

Sun Life launches new investment company

Sun Life Financial launched its new investment company Sun Life Global Investments (Canada) Inc. on October 13, which will roll out a new lineup of…

Keeping feelings out of financial decision-making

Behavioural finance, or the study of investor psychology, marries the psychology of decision-making with investors’ trading behaviour and asset pricing. Departures from rational decision-making emerge…

River Plate House to tackle fixed income markets

Integrated Asset Management Corp. (IAM) has launched a new global alternative investment manager, River Plate House Capital Management Inc. River Plate will offer long- and…

Weighing in on group TFSAs

Weighing in on group TFSAs June 17, 2010 | Michael Campbell While individual tax-free savings accounts (TFSAs) are growing in popularity among investors, there’s still…

Sceptre, Fiera announce merger

Sceptre, Fiera announce merger

Here’s another sign that the financial crisis is behind us. Sceptre Investment Counsel Limited and Fiera Capital, Inc. have signed a definitive agreement to merge…

Falling fees push pension funds toward active strategies

North American and European pension funds are slowly moving toward actively run mandates due to falling fees and improving returns, according to a survey. bfinances’…

  • By: Jody White
  • February 8, 2010 September 13, 2019
  • 00:00

Institutional investors changing the rules of hedge fund investing

Hedge fund managers—no strangers to upheaval since the outset of the global financial crisis—have a new reality to contend with, according to a recent survey.…

  • By: Jody White
  • January 25, 2010 September 13, 2019
  • 00:00

Up close and personal with UNPRI

Responsible investment (RI) is increasingly gaining traction in the U.S. and Canada due, in part, to the United Nations Principles for Responsible Investment (UNPRI). At…

Rational investment decision-making for CAP sponsors

About a year ago, as financial markets were down—or so we thought at the time—I was writing on the importance of proactively communicating with and…

Getting personal

Pension and benefit communications is no time to be shy. If anything, it’s a good excuse to get personal. Let me explain. Plan sponsors typically…

The “progressively more conservative” investment fallacy

We have all heard this in one form or another: you should progressively invest more conservatively as you approach retirement (my personal favourite is the…