If we consider each of these approaches, it’s not immediately clear which one makes the most sense for the company and its shareholders. The lowest common denominator approach allows a firm to use products and processes that are outlawed in more stringent jurisdictions like Canada or the U.S., and to avoid costly pollution control practices. These, of course, are precisely the practices for which multinationals draw criticism and yet they seem, on the surface, to be financially prudent for the companies.
If we dig beneath the surface, however, we see reasons why a company that holds itself to a higher standard than required by a lax jurisdiction might reap benefits. For one thing, using a single standard in all of the company’s operations facilitates transfer of processes and people, and in the end, knowledge transfer is part of what makes multinationals such formidable competitors. In addition, while we are accustomed to thinking of environmental compliance as costly, there is evidence that, when companies think of innovative ways to reduce waste and emissions, their costs are lowered. Thus, exceeding the minimum environmental requirements in relatively lax jurisdictions might give companies a competitive advantage.
To reconcile these conflicting views of environmental and financial performance, our research related firms’ environmental stances to their market value. We examined 89 large multinational companies over a four-year period and the first thing we found was that most companies use an internal global standard—only about 30% of companies use the lowest common denominator approach. Further, controlling for other factors that affect market value, those using a global standard tended to have significantly higher market values. The difference between firms using a global standard and those that used whatever standards were allowed in the various host countries, in fact, was about $10 billion.
Our findings show that market value and environmental stance seem to be positively related. In the end, we don’t find evidence that doing good things for the environment means doing bad things for investors, and in fact, quite the opposite may be true.
1. Professor Dowell’s comments are based on research undertaken with Stuart Hart(Cornell University)and Bernard Yeung(New York University)
—Glen Dowell, assistant professor, Mendoza College of Business, University of Notre Dame
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