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2022 IIC coverage: Identifying emerging opportunities in ESG investing

Environmental, social and governance investment strategies can improve a portfolio’s ability to generate alpha, according to Patrick Vizzone, managing director of global private equity at…

2022 IIC conference coverage: Four major misconceptions about fixed income impact investing

Four major misconceptions about fixed income impact investing have taken root in the minds of many institutional investors, according to Matt Lawton, fixed income portfolio…

2022 IIC coverage: Diversifying fixed income portfolios with alternatives

“What we’ve observed year to date is nothing short of historic in nature,” said Steve Guignard, senior director of client solutions at Sun Life Capital…

2022 IIC coverage: The role of innovation in high-yield corporate bonds

“There’s been some tremendous innovation in fixed income markets, especially in the last decade. Technology has made transparency and liquidity blossom in areas that have…

2022 IIC coverage: Investing in a time of quantitative tightening

“I’m starting to become a glass half full person. . . . I think that at least one of the two anchors of the 60/40…

2022 IIC coverage: Protecting technology infrastructure critical for institutional investors

The most important asset in the world is people’s personal information because every piece of data that we provide to the internet through social media…

2022 IIC coverage: Building the UPP’s ambitious climate action plan

“As the preceding presentations showed quite clearly, the climate is changing and the impact won’t have a linear correlation with temperature rises,” said Aaron Bennett,…

2022 IIC coverage: Pension funds urged to leverage value, profitability model

Value and profitability are inextricably linked and, when they’re combined in a portfolio, institutional investors can garner a healthy premium, said Sunil Wahal, professor of…

2022 IIC coverage: A Canadian view of the Arizona State Retirement System

Few people have as clear a perspective on the differences between public sector defined benefit pension plans in Canada and the U.S. as Paul Matson.…

2022 IIC coverage: Pension plan sponsors discuss role of communication, education in member engagement, support

In 2021, the Saskatchewan Healthcare Employees’ Pension Plan set out to gauge just how well-versed its 60,000 members were about their defined benefit pension plan.…