Global stock investors expect positive returns in 2015

More than half (58%) of global investors believe their local stock market will post positive returns in 2015, according to a survey.

The Franklin Templeton Global Investor Sentiment Survey finds Canadian and American investors (64%) are the most optimistic about future local stock market returns, followed by European (62%) and Asia Pacific (56%) investors. Latin American investors are the least likely to expect positive local stock market performance (46%), with the percentage of those in the region who believe the stock market will decline having doubled since last year.

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When it comes to perceptions of past performance, the annual survey has shown that investor perception sometimes diverges from reality. This year’s survey showed that more than half (55%) of investors believe their local stock market was up last year, when in fact only eight (35%) of the markets in the 23 countries surveyed experienced positive performance in 2014. In the U.S., however, most investors’ perceptions were on target with 87% believing the stock market was up last year, when indeed the S&P 500 Index was up 13.7%.

Stocks continue to top the investors’ lists of their most favoured asset classes, with 57% of global respondents expecting stocks to be among the top three performing asset classes in 2015, followed by real estate (52%) and precious metals (39%).

U.S. investors are slightly more optimistic about stocks being among the top three performing asset classes this year compared to 2014 (77% versus 68%), however, optimism for precious metals dropped to 29% from 43% year over year. Real estate remained the second most favoured, with 60% of U.S. investors expecting this asset class to be among the top three best performers in 2015.

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