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Latest news in Public Equities

The Private Equity Meltdown: Apportioning the Blame

Many publicly traded public equity companies are trading far below their opening price when they went through an initial public offering in the heady days…

Private Equity Firms Batten Down the Hatches

Canadian equities have proven no place to hide during the financial storm, and that applies to firms operating in private markets too: venture capital, mezzanine…

Case Study: How a deal was done

Despite the pall that hangs over private equity, there’s still life in the marketplace as some transactions get done. They target growing firms with low…

Private Equity: Start Up or Buy Out?

There seem to be cycles in private company investing. Those with long memories will remember Michael Milken and junk bonds. In recent memory, there were…

Privately Speaking

Private equity is an asset class that can provoke strong reaction from current and potential investors. Those who favour it believe that the information advantage…

Fewer Features, Higher Fees Future for GMWBs: Manulife

While guaranteed minimum withdrawal benefit funds have been a huge hit in the Canadian marketplace, at least one company isn’t looking to gain shelf space…

Vancity and Inhance Top Annual SRI Fund Survey

Vancity Circadian Monthly Income Fund and Inhance Monthly Income Fund Class A were the top two SRI mutual funds in Canada last year, according to…

  • By: Doug Watt
  • February 4, 2009 September 13, 2019
  • 00:00

Equities Turning a Corner?

The worst period for Canadian equity returns in generations may already be over, but recovery will depend on whether North America launches a credible fiscal…

Equity Funds Suffer “Disastrous” Year

There’s just no way to put lipstick on the pig — 2008 was quite simply a terrible year for equity fund performance. In fact, it…

  • By: Mark Noble
  • January 5, 2009 September 13, 2019
  • 00:00

Investment Managers Bearish on Canadian Equities: Report

Canadian equities are losing their lustre while investment managers are growing bullish towards the United States, according to a report. In the latest Investment Manager…

  • By: Jody White
  • July 9, 2008 September 13, 2019
  • 00:00

Public Market Equities: Friend or Foe?

Should pension plans maintain a high allocation to public market equities? In the rush to the LDI exit doors, many pension plans are reducing their…

Teachers’ Buys Telecom, Sells Resources

The Ontario Teachers’ Pension Plan purchased or increased its stake in a number of telecom companies last year, according to its 2007 annual report. The…

Dealing With Bumpy Markets

I lost count over the latter half of 2007 how many times I was asked to comment on the subprime meltdown and the ABCP credit…

Modest Equity Performance Expected in ‘08

Investment managers expect equity returns to be modest this year, according to Mercer’s 2008 Fearless Forecast survey. As the Toronto Stock Exchange has generated double-digit…

Money Managers More Bearish

Bullishness towards Canadian broad market equities has dropped to 28% of managers from 42%, according to the latest Russell Investment Managers Outlook. Despite the increase…

Investment Managers Fail to Beat Index

Only 45% of large cap Canadian equity investment managers beat the S&P/TSX Total Return Index in the third quarter of this year, according to the…

Money Managers Optimistic About Equities

Despite recent market volatility, many investment managers are still optimistic about Canadian, U.S. and overseas equities, according to a report. The Russell Investment Manager Outlook…

Liquidity Crisis Eases in Paper Market

There are signs that the liquidity crunch for third-party asset-backed commercial paper(ABCP)may be easing, as the company behind the securitized debt has managed to find…

Active Managers Struggle to Beat Benchmark

Canadian equity investment managers faced a more challenging investing environment in the second quarter, with only 53% of large cap equity managers beating the S&P/TSX…

Investment managers bullish on equities

The majority of Canadian investment managers are bullish on the equity market, according to a quarterly poll. The latest Russell Investment Manager Outlook finds that…

Tips on picking an investment consultant

Few choices have a greater impact on the performance and overall operations of institutional pension funds than the selection of an investment consultant. A report…

Active Canadian equity managers outperform benchmark

Active Canadian equity managers found a more favourable environment for investing in the first quarter compared to the last couple of years, says Russell Investments…

Canadian investment managers more bullish

A new report says investment managers in Canada are more bullish on all equity asset classes this quarter. The latest Russell Investment Manager Outlook shows…

Losing ground

Do Canadian mutual funds produce fair value for their customers? There has been an ongoing debate in both the media and in academia about the…

Risk parity allocation

Many investors often take on more risk than they realize. One well-understood and seemingly well heeded investment axiom is: don’t put all your eggs in…